Research and Content By: Jerin Sharif | 21/02/22
“Climate change is the greatest threat to global health in the 21st century.”-
- Dr. Margaret chan, WHO director-general,
Climate Change
The term climate change and global warming are commonly used to define or describe the abnormal changes seen in weather, climate, and temperature patterns on earth.
Although you could argue these two altercations are similar in numerous ways it is important to take notice of the key definitions and differences each seems to occupy.
Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that defines Earth’s local, regional and global climates.
Global warming is used to refer to the long-term heating of earth’s climate system due to human activities such as fossil fuel burning. Fossil fuels are a highly effective (for now) and environmentally damaging power source we use to heat our cars, run our factories, and supply the electricity in our homes.
The simple switch from using a non renewable energy source to a renewable energy source can resolve our climate issues while also ensuring us a healthy planet for years to come!

Oil, Coal & Gas
Oil accounts for 39% of the worlds global energy, coal a fast growing fossil fuel source due to china comes in at 28% of the world’s energy, furthermore natural gas comes in at number three with 22% of the globes energy being primarily linked to temperature variations.
Oil, Coal, and gas are the top three most commonly used energy sources worldwide. Fossil fuels such as Oil ,coal ,and natural gas are examples of Non renewable energy sources.
The reason why Non renewable energy sources are so bad is because they produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct, CO2 then gets trapped into the atmosphere and is the main cause of climate change.
Fossil fuels are more commonly used instead of a renewable energy source such as electric solar panels because of their efficiency and convenience. Electric solar panels are 2% of the world’s energy source, they produce between 3-25 times less emissions than fossil fuels using the same amount of energy making them extremely beneficial for our earth’s atmosphere and climate issues.
The Bottom Line
if we continue with fossil fuel energy as our main source, if we switch to renewable energy sources such as solar energy we can expect to see Regions recovering from devastating climate impacts while having the support and funding they need in a short 11 years.
The bottom line is humanity will not survive without restrictive supply strategies that would directly cut off new fossil fuel expansion.
In conclusion I believe a renewable energy source such as solar power will certainly be costly but effective in tackling climate change, issues such as weather dependency could ultimately be eliminated overtime while this technology is still developing and advancing. We are still in the infancy stages and don’t forget about the carbon tax launching in 2023 in Canada. The Green Initiative is a real thing. What is that? Click me to learn more..
Thus we will be able to create a future in which we will proudly state we took down the 21st century’s greatest threat to global health!
Hope you enjoyed the read. Stay Tuned for more disruptive tech news!
All Research & Writing Credits: Jerin Sharif | Insert Social Media Links
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