Robo-taxis are autonomous vehicle(s) otherwise referred to as a “driverless taxi” or a “driverless car”. Fully Self – Driving Taxis will be Level 5 autonomous vehicles initially* sold in fleets to businesses & Ride sharing companies.
These self driving vehicles or driverless cars have been hypothesized to completely revolutionize the auto industry and Elon Musk leads the pack in this.- This is an article for another time 🙂
Other manufacturers are playing keep-up but we are looking at a carbon tax paying future – so electricity ultimately makes sense (especially with the green energy initiative in Canada) but it’s easier to talk the good talk, but much harder to walk the good walk. if you understand what I am trying to say 😉
The normal result of this cycle = (the yin) transportation service revolution + Reduce Carbon Emission Problem and (the yang) to follow: job destruction.
Legacy Systems = C02 Problem
This advanced form of technology will have most services be electrically powered or be in use by electric cars. Considering the deficient in gasoline this positively affects our carbon footprints. Gasoline is a type of fossil fuel/energy source, when fossil fuels are burned they release Co2 emissions up and into our atmosphere. Co2(carbon dioxide) is something all living organisms need to function for example; respiration. Co2 traps the heat in our atmosphere as a natural way the earth heats itself up. The ignorant release of fossil fuel emissions causes excessive amounts of Co2 to become trapped in our atmosphere without enough living organisms to recycle it, which leads us to global warming and climate change issues. “Robo-taxi” is an electrically powered vehicle. Cars cause humans to release a lot of Co2 emissions, in 2018 28.2% of Co2 emissions released by humans were because of gasoline powered cars.
Electric powered vehicles can easily break down one of the largest human carbon contributor and help our planet <3 .

The Future is Robo-Taxis
The future is Autonomous vehicle transportation whether you like it or not.
Hasan Sharif
This form of transport will prove to be a more cost effective solution in the near future. Revolutionizing the way we receive goods and services all while reducing cost of transportation for consumers but also killing jobs for many? It’s packed up – yep. But what Uber/Ride Share Companies did to Taxi Companies changed the game.
and companies, and is an environmentally friendly alternative. It is greatly expected to see the majority of drivers and transportations become electric powered as well as the possibility of Robotaxi hybrids by the year 2030. Over 81% of people in China, 52% of americans, and 60% of residents in france have reported an interest or willingness in using and purchasing an electric vehicle and robotaxi. What was once seen as a commercial reality will become the future of transportation in a way that will forever advance our ability to thrive better as a species.
- Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions |
- US EPAPrivate autonomous vehicles: The other side of the robo-taxi story | McKinsey
- Robotaxi – Wikipedia
- CNET Article
The information written above is simply an educated prediction, there is no way of having a 100% right answer as this plan is still yet to happen
Written by Jerin Sharif March 12 2021